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Labor of Love Survey
Thank you for participating in this year’s
Labor of Love
event and taking the time to complete this survey.
General Questions
Indicates required field
Choose One
This is the first time I have participated
I have participated in the past
Please check how you participated in this year’s Labor of Love event.
Participated by Submitting a Prayer Request
Participated as an Intercessor
Please rate the overall value of participating in this event.
Extremely valuable
Not Valuable
Would you recommend this event to others?
No, please explain in comments
What did you like most about this event?
What did you like least about this event?
Please list any suggestions you have to make this event better.
Were the instructions easy to understand?
No, please explain in comments
Did you experience any difficulties?
No, please explain in comments
If you submitted a prayer request, please answer the following:
Did you think that the 3 week time frame to submit a prayer request was sufficient?
No, please explain in comments
Please describe the importance of receiving the Prayer Summary from the Intercessor.
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
What importance do you place on prayer being offered up on Labor Day?
Very Important
Somewhat Important
Not Important
Would you have any concerns if the prayer was extended beyond Labor Day ( i.e. the week of Labor Day)?
Please list any other comments you have concerning your prayer request
You may also explain any answers to questions above
If you participated as an Intercessor, please answer the following:
Did you receive the information on the person you prayed for in a timely manner?
No, please explain in comments
Have you ever interceded in prayer for 30 minutes?
You may add comments to your answer in the comment section below.
Did you find it difficult to pray for the person for 30 minutes?
You may add comments to your answer in the comment section below.
Please tell us a little bit about your experience praying.
Did you have any difficulty completing the Prayer Summary?
No, please explain in comments
Did you have difficulty praying on the Labor Day holiday?
Would you prefer to have a week dedicated to the Labor of Love event and choose a day within the week to pray?
Yes, I would like to choose one day within the week of Labor Day
No, I prefer Labor Day
Neutral, I could do either
Intercessor Comments
You may also explain any answers to questions above
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