Labor of Love Intercessor
When God said we should pray for one another, He knew the impact it would have on the person being prayed for and the one praying. Intercessors report it is easier to pray for someone else's loved one because they don't have any expectations of how God should move.
Each year the Waiting Room receives more requests for prayer than people signing up as Intercessors. Please consider helping this event by becoming an Intercessor.
An intercessor can expect the following:
Each year the Waiting Room receives more requests for prayer than people signing up as Intercessors. Please consider helping this event by becoming an Intercessor.
An intercessor can expect the following:
- The Intercessor commits to pray for thirty minutes on the week leading up to and including Labor Day and to complete a Prayer Summary.
- The Intercessor signs up for the Labor of Love event by submitting the Intercessor Form (below).
- The Intercessor receives an email one week before Labor day with their prayer assignment, which includes information the person who submitted the prayer request shares.
- On Labor Day weekend, the Intercessor prays for thirty minutes. Immediately following the time of prayer, completes the Prayer Summary on the Waiting Room website.
- Waiting Room Ministry forwards the Prayer Summary to the person who submitted the prayer request. No identifying information is exchanged between the family and the Intercessor.
Prayer Summary
The Prayer Summary is a synopsis of the time the Intercessor spends with the LORD. It can be a short paragraph or a more detailed account. Some include scripture used, insights received from God, or personal words of encouragement. Because families look forward to hearing their intercessor's summary, please submit it no later than 48 hours after Labor Day Weekend.
The Prayer Summary is a synopsis of the time the Intercessor spends with the LORD. It can be a short paragraph or a more detailed account. Some include scripture used, insights received from God, or personal words of encouragement. Because families look forward to hearing their intercessor's summary, please submit it no later than 48 hours after Labor Day Weekend.
Labor of Love Intercessor Form
Waiting Room Ministry will assign one prayer request to each intercessor. If you would like to pray for more than one person (30 minutes each plus prayer summary), please indicate on the Intercessor Form.