Conditions of Participation for Waiting Room OnLine
The following guidelines help to provide a safe, Christ-centered community where participants can heal and thrive.
1. Confidentiality is essential to the group, and members should respect and maintain the confidentiality of each person. Information shared in the group is that person's story to tell and should not be repeated by other group members.
2. Sharing personal feelings, stories, etc., is a valuable component of the group process. Members may find they share similar experiences. Expressing how they handled them and the outcome is helpful, but participants should refrain from giving advice.
3. Acknowledge the value of each person in the group and avoid making judgments.
4. It is acceptable to ask questions of one another to gain understanding but recognize that each member of the group has the freedom not to respond to questions.
5. Respect each member's right to hold different doctrinal beliefs.
6. Encourage other members on their journey.
7. Honor God and one another through your actions and words. Group members who use profanity or who are disrespectful will not be allowed to participate in the group.
8. Waiting Room Ministry group leaders, co-leaders, and facilitators may discuss matters addressed by the group to receive supervision and oversight. Any group member who discloses intentions to take harmful, dangerous, or criminal action against another human being or themselves will necessitate Waiting Room Ministry leadership to warn appropriate individuals of such intentions. Those warned may include a variety of such persons as:
the person or family of the person who is likely to suffer the results of harmful behavior;
the family of the group member who intends to harm themself or someone else;
associates or friends of those threatened or making threats, and;
law enforcement officials or child protection services.