Richard A. Burr, “Praying Your Prodigal Home”
(Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Christian Publications, Inc.,2003), 61-62.
Oh, Sovereign One, will You not do for (insert name) what (he/she) is incapable of doing for (himself/herself)? You have declared that no one can come to You unless the Father who sent You draws (him/her). So, precious Savior, through that convicting and convincing power of the Spirit, we beg that You would orchestrate the circumstances in (insert name) life, both externally and internally, to make (him/her) desperate for You. Then, by Your sovereign grace, cause (him/her) to willingly respond to the compelling tug, the drawing, of the Holy Spirit.
Oh, Master, could this be that glorious day of (his/her) divine appointment with You? By faith and with great expectancy, we thank You in advance, knowing that You do “not ignore the cry of the afflicted” (Psalm 9:12). We pray this in the most worthy name of Jesus! Amen.
Oh, Master, could this be that glorious day of (his/her) divine appointment with You? By faith and with great expectancy, we thank You in advance, knowing that You do “not ignore the cry of the afflicted” (Psalm 9:12). We pray this in the most worthy name of Jesus! Amen.
Robert J. Morgan, “Moments for Families with Prodigals”
(Colorado Springs, Co: Nav Press, 2003), Moment 25.
Heavenly Father, give (insert name) the mind of Christ.
Help (him/her) work out (his/her) salvation with fear and trembling, even as You work in (him/her) both to will and to do Your good pleasure.
Help (him/her), Father, to become blameless and pure, a child of Yours without fault in this crooked and depraved world, so that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.
Lord, have mercy on my child—and upon me, too, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow.
(Adapted from Philippians 2.)
Help (him/her) work out (his/her) salvation with fear and trembling, even as You work in (him/her) both to will and to do Your good pleasure.
Help (him/her), Father, to become blameless and pure, a child of Yours without fault in this crooked and depraved world, so that I may boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor for nothing.
Lord, have mercy on my child—and upon me, too, to spare me sorrow upon sorrow.
(Adapted from Philippians 2.)
Robert J. Morgan, “Moments for Families with Prodigals”
(Colorado Springs, Co: Nav Press, 2003), Moment 22.
Lord, open (insert name) eyes that (he/she) may see.
You open the eyes of the blind and raise those who are bowed down. Now, please give (insert name) a heart to perceive Your will, eyes to see Your way, and ears to hear Your Word.
This is my ceaseless prayer that You, the Father of glory, would give to my child the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, the eyes of (his/her) heart being enlightened; that (he/she) might know the hope of Christ’s calling, the riches of Christ’s glorious inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of Christ’s power toward those who believe.
Lord that (his/her) eyes may be open…anoint (his/her) eyes with Your salve. Open (his/her) understanding that (he/she) might comprehend Scripture. . . Open (his/her) eyes and turn (him/her) from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to Your, that (he/she) may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in You. (continued)
Grant (him/her) the testimony of him who said, “One thing I know: though I was blind, now I see.”
(Adapted from 2 Kings 6:17; Psalm 146:8; Deuteronomy 29:4; Ephesians 1:16-20; Matthew 20:33; Revelation 3:18; Luke 24:45; Acts 26:18; John 9:255)
You open the eyes of the blind and raise those who are bowed down. Now, please give (insert name) a heart to perceive Your will, eyes to see Your way, and ears to hear Your Word.
This is my ceaseless prayer that You, the Father of glory, would give to my child the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Christ, the eyes of (his/her) heart being enlightened; that (he/she) might know the hope of Christ’s calling, the riches of Christ’s glorious inheritance in the saints, and the exceeding greatness of Christ’s power toward those who believe.
Lord that (his/her) eyes may be open…anoint (his/her) eyes with Your salve. Open (his/her) understanding that (he/she) might comprehend Scripture. . . Open (his/her) eyes and turn (him/her) from darkness to light, from the power of Satan to Your, that (he/she) may receive forgiveness of sins and an inheritance among those who are sanctified by faith in You. (continued)
Grant (him/her) the testimony of him who said, “One thing I know: though I was blind, now I see.”
(Adapted from 2 Kings 6:17; Psalm 146:8; Deuteronomy 29:4; Ephesians 1:16-20; Matthew 20:33; Revelation 3:18; Luke 24:45; Acts 26:18; John 9:255)
Prayer Resources
Andrew Murray, “The Ministry of Intercession” (New Kensington, PA: Whitaker House, 1982), 35–41. Used with permission. All rights reserved.
Richard A. Burr, “Praying Your Prodigal Home” (Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Christian Publications, Inc.,2003), 61-62.
Robert J. Morgan, “Moments for Families with Prodigals” (Colorado Springs, Co: Nav Press, 2003), Moment 25.
Kathryn Lindsey Kisser, “Piercing the Night: Strategic Intercession to Set the LGBTQ+ Captives Free” (Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2021). Start reading it for free:
Richard A. Burr, “Praying Your Prodigal Home” (Camp Hill, Pennsylvania: Christian Publications, Inc.,2003), 61-62.
Robert J. Morgan, “Moments for Families with Prodigals” (Colorado Springs, Co: Nav Press, 2003), Moment 25.
Kathryn Lindsey Kisser, “Piercing the Night: Strategic Intercession to Set the LGBTQ+ Captives Free” (Maitland, FL: Xulon Press, 2021). Start reading it for free: